A monad in category C is an endofunctor F: CC with two natural transformations:
u: 1 → F and m: F ∘ F → F.
Let's denote F(u): F -> F ∘ F the transformation that results in applying F to u, and F(m) : (F ∘ F) ∘ F → F ∘ F.
Having these, now we can write down the following two monad axioms:

  1. F(u) ∘ m is identity F → F
  2. :
     F(X) F(uX) F(F(X)) mF(X) F(X)

  3. F(m) ∘ m is the same as m ∘ m:
     F(F(F(X))) F(mX) F(F(X))
    mF(X)  mX
     F(F(X)) —→  F(X)